Corporate Responsibility (CR) – formally Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CR is my driving force. I believe and aim for self-sustainable development which simply enhances our World for the “Greater Good”.

The Three Little Birds symbolize my pursuit of



“I dedicate my work to Nelson Mandela, the epitomy of courage, humility and reconciliation!”

John Morris

Mandela900 Kopie

I.                    UK Government Guidelines:

II.                  Corporate responsibility

Corporate Responsibility can be defined as how companies address the social, environmental and economic impacts of their operations and so help to meet our sustainable development goals. BIS leads the Government’s interest in Corporate Responsibility (CR), also referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

BIS’s 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report (PDF) was produced with the cooperation of other Government Departments across Whitehall.

The Government has a role in setting standards in areas such as environmental protection, health and safety and employment rights. It can also provide a policy and institutional framework that stimulates companies to raise their performance beyond minimum.

The UK Government approach is to encourage and incentivise the adoption of Corporate Responsibility, through best practice guidance, and where appropriate, regulation and fiscal incentives.

Specifically, we see CR as the voluntary actions that business can take, over and above compliance with minimum legal requirements, to address both its own competitive interests and the interests of wider society.

The Government set out its strategy to meet our goals for sustainable development in its 2005 UK Sustainable Development Strategy.

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ISO 26000 – Social Responsibility

ISO 26000, from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), covers voluntary guidance on social responsibility. It is intended to be a worldwide standard and is aimed at both public and private organizations. It will inform participating organizations how to operate in a socially responsible way, and will be a distillation of international experience of what social responsibility means in practice.

The standard is being developed to be consistent with other relevant declarations and conventions from the United Nations and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The standard will cover terms and definitions; social responsibility principles; core guidance on social responsibility; and guidance on implementation. The standard has been in development since 2003/4 and is expected to be published by Autumn 2010.

Further information on ISO 26000 can be found at